Meine Route von Carlos Paz
ging immer in Richtung Norden nach Villa de Capillar del Monte,
Salta, Jujuyi über die Anden am Paso de Llama nach San Pedro de
Dabei traf ich auf Hippies
in Capillar del Monte und ging mit ihnen einige tage in die Berge zum
Wandern. Wir aßen nur Früchte und genossen das Leben. In Capillar
sollen angeblich Ailiens gelandet sein und daher ist der ganze Ort
sehr esoterisch.
Von dort aus ging es durch
die große Hitze durch den ersten Salar. Die Hitze zwang mich dazu
Nachts zu fahren, da es sonst nicht auszuhalten war. Es war immer
flach und ging ganz lange geradeaus.
Nach drei tagen in der
Hitze beschloss ich dann Bus bis an die Anden zu fahren. Bei einem
Gewitterregen fuhr ich dann bis Salta. Die meisten Straßen sind
nicht auf den Regen vorbereitet und so stand einfach alles unter
Wasser. Doch das bringt hier keinen aus der Ruhe. Mit stoischer Ruhe
wird einfach mit Latschen durch den Regen gestapft.
In Salta gab es ein sehr
sehenswertes Museum der Hochgebirgsarchaeologie, in dem Mumien aus
der Inkazeit zu sehen sind. Trotz ihres Alters sehen sie aus wie
gestern entschlafen. Die Menschen Opfer hatten eine lange Geschichte
bei den Inkas. Dabei wurde ein Mensch geopfert, der aber für die
Inkas nur in die Welt der Geister über ging und weiterhin über das
Lebend er Menschen wachte.
Von Salta aus ging es dann
durch grüne Wälder bis nach Jujuyi. Danach ging es dann rauf in die
Berge und die Wälder verschwanden plötzlich, Kakteen tauchten auf
und schließlich hörte jede Vegetation auf und die Atacama Wüste
begann. Mit dem Rad kam ich dabei bis auf eine Höhe von 4830 Hm, was
mich ganz schön schnaufen ließ. M Omagang kam ich so gerade noch
voran und musste oft Pausen einlegen. Nach drei Tagen war ich die
Höhe jedoch gewohnt und konnte wieder Fahrradfahren.
In der Wüste war es sehr
einsam und wunderschön still. Die Nächte waren entgegen der
Vorhersage mit 3 Grad kalt aber nicht eiskalt, während ich tagsüber
gut mit kurzer Hose fahren konnte. Erstaunlicherweise kam ich dann
auf über 4000m auch noch in ein Gewitter, welches ich in einem
Betonrohr aussaß.
Die Abfahrt von den Anden
runter in die Oasenstadt San Pedro de Atacama war dann einfach nur
spektakulär. Auf 40km ging es 2000 Hm hinunter fast ohne Kurven.
Dabei stieg die Temperatur von 20 Grad mit kaltem Wind auf 39 Grad im
Schatten an.
Ab morgen geht es dann
wieder rauf in die Berge nach Boliven.
tour from Carlos Paz went up north to Villa de Capillar del Monte,
Salta, Jujuy over the Andes at Paso de Llama to San Pedro de
I met hippies in Capillar del Monte and went with them a few days into the mountains for hiking. We only ate fruits and enjoyed the life. In Capillar landed ailiens one day and therefore the whole place is very esoteric.
From there I went through the intense heat through the first salt lake. The heat forced me to drive at night because it was otherwise unbearable. It was always flat and went straight for very long.
After three days in the heat, I decided to take bus up to the Andes. In a thunderstorm, I drove up to Salta. Most roads are not prepared for the rain and so everything was all under water. But that brings here not from the rest. Everybody trudged with great calm through the rain.
In Salta, there was a very interesting museum of high mountain arqueology where mummies can be seen from the Inca period. Despite their age, they look like asleep yesterday. The human sacrifice had a long history with the Incas. A life was sacrificed, but for the Incas the life only went in the world of spirits and continue through the live he awoke people.
From Salta I went through green forests to Jujuyi. Then we went up to the mountains and the forests disappeared suddenly, cacti appeared and finally any vegetation stopped and the Atacama Desert began. With the bike I came here to an altitude of 4830 Hm, what made me breathe heavil. In my granny gear I cyceled slowly and often had to take breaks. After three days, however, I was used to the hight and was cycling again.
In the desert, it was very lonely and beautifully quiet. The nights were contrary to the forecasts, with 3 degrees cold but not freezing while I could daytime well go with shorts. Amazingly, I came to over 4000m even in a storm, which I survived in a concrete pipe.
The descent of the Andes down to the oasis town of San Pedro de Atacama was then just spectacular. At 40km I went downhill for more than 2000 Hm without curves. The temperature of 20 degrees with ccold winds rose to 39 degrees in the shade.
From tomorrow it goes back up into the mountains to Bolivia.
I met hippies in Capillar del Monte and went with them a few days into the mountains for hiking. We only ate fruits and enjoyed the life. In Capillar landed ailiens one day and therefore the whole place is very esoteric.
From there I went through the intense heat through the first salt lake. The heat forced me to drive at night because it was otherwise unbearable. It was always flat and went straight for very long.
After three days in the heat, I decided to take bus up to the Andes. In a thunderstorm, I drove up to Salta. Most roads are not prepared for the rain and so everything was all under water. But that brings here not from the rest. Everybody trudged with great calm through the rain.
In Salta, there was a very interesting museum of high mountain arqueology where mummies can be seen from the Inca period. Despite their age, they look like asleep yesterday. The human sacrifice had a long history with the Incas. A life was sacrificed, but for the Incas the life only went in the world of spirits and continue through the live he awoke people.
From Salta I went through green forests to Jujuyi. Then we went up to the mountains and the forests disappeared suddenly, cacti appeared and finally any vegetation stopped and the Atacama Desert began. With the bike I came here to an altitude of 4830 Hm, what made me breathe heavil. In my granny gear I cyceled slowly and often had to take breaks. After three days, however, I was used to the hight and was cycling again.
In the desert, it was very lonely and beautifully quiet. The nights were contrary to the forecasts, with 3 degrees cold but not freezing while I could daytime well go with shorts. Amazingly, I came to over 4000m even in a storm, which I survived in a concrete pipe.
The descent of the Andes down to the oasis town of San Pedro de Atacama was then just spectacular. At 40km I went downhill for more than 2000 Hm without curves. The temperature of 20 degrees with ccold winds rose to 39 degrees in the shade.
From tomorrow it goes back up into the mountains to Bolivia.
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Es wird indianischer, it is getting more indian |
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Atacama Dessert |
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Falmingos |
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Paso Llama |
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Hippies on tour |
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Lamas |
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Ailiens at Capillar del Monte |
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